Method of My Madness #4

 Nothing insults wolves of the Wolin's Paw Pack more than an insult to their breeding. 

This was really the focal point for coming up with my post about Wolf Culture. So, I might as well elaborate on the madness behind this, -Malachi-

All a wolf pack is is a large family of wolves. The "Alpha" pair are the parents and the only ones with the right to reproduce.

How I came up with them hating illegitimate breeding is merely a tie between that point mixed with a hint of the aristocratic class in the 1800's.

The caste system that I described is based on the structure of a wolf pack which is usually based on strength and age, but considering my wolves are intelligent, I made it like this:

At the top are all red wolves, next are those with only one color or red mixed in, then those with mostly one color, and finally, those who are a mottled mess.

If you guys want to hear why I chose red, you can either do some fancy guess work or tell me to write a Lore post.

The whole, Alpha and Omega social structure thing is a construct of Rudolph Schenkel in 1940, and was supported by David Mech in 1970, but David has since reverted his theory.

The Alpha/Omega structure of a wolf pack is what happens to wolves in captivity, but in reality, wolves don't quite act that way in nature.

I chose to keep it with the Alpha/Omega structure because it is 1: what people are familiar with, and 2: it is more in line with the culture of this more "civilized" pack.

Concerning 1: Since I want to accurately portray animals, I plan on having a pack that has a social structure closer to that of a wild pack.

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