

Ironically, I'm procrastinating.

Burnout is just an excuse until you fall asleep at your desk. Anything that keeps you from your goal is procrastination.

If your goal is to finish your draft or reach a word count, then perfectionism is a form of procrastination. If you are constantly going back and editing or making perfect, you are procrastinating. If you aren’t confident with your idea, plot, or next chapter, and you rack your brain for a better idea, you are procrastinating.

I’m not trying to help you stop procrastinating, otherwise, this post would have been eleven words long: “The only way to stop procrastinating is to just do it.” Determination is the ONLY remedy for procrastination.

Let’s just call it what it is, “Anything that keeps you from your goal is procrastination”. Once we can acknowledge this, it will be easier to stop procrastinating as we can now accept what Procrastination is.

P.s. Yes, life can be a big bully when you have to go to a friend's birthday, your own wedding, or if you manage to break all ten fingers, have a sore throat, and you can’t figure out how to write with your toes. I don’t consider that procrastination.

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