Madness of My Method Extra!

I made banana peel bacon.

Yeah, that's pretty self explanatory... most people who heard me say that have offered a handful of colorful expressions ranging from "gross" to "why?" to "yum." 

So, I present to you, Method of my Madness Extra #1!.


Why would anyone in their right mind eat banana peels? Well, that's a long story.

I was eating kiwis on the couch and my friend, Mr. Crouch (he's still a teen), said that it was weird that I was eating them with the skin on... at which point I had to give a good reason for eating the skin (of which I had none at that point), so I googled it, and found out that kiwi skin supposedly has fiber, folate, Vitamin C, and vitamin E.

He rejoined with, "that's like eating banana peels."


We looked that up, and after learning that banana peel is high in potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, we looked up how to eat them, and we ended up with banana bacon (without a recipe) and blueberry peanut butter banana peel smoothie (also without a recipe).

We experimented a little with the bacon:

The control group was a strip of banana peel that we did not peel the white stuff off of.


We had three that we did scrape the white stuff off of:

Another control,

One with Cayenne,

And my personal favorite, the one that I dipped in honey butter (made without a recipe).

Anyways, it is now a thing, and a great conversation starter!

Over and out,


P.s. Both controls had garlic and salt xP

1 comment

  1. 🤤 That sounds kind of awesome . . . and kind of weird . . . but I really wanna try it now LOL.


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